Contact Us Today

Give us a call


Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
with appointment

Contact West Central Ohio Veterinary Emergency Service
3077 Harding Highway
Lima, OH  45804

Email us

Find us

109 S. Dixie Highway

Cridersville, OH  45806

*Our Email Submission Policy*

Please DO NOT use this email for emergencies, critical requests, or for a diagnosis of medical concerns. While photos and videos are sometimes helpful, we cannot diagnose medical conditions via email.

Your email has been received and will be processed during normal business hours, (Monday through Friday 8:00am-5:00pm).

If you have an emergency or urgent need, please call. This email is not constantly monitored and therefore, emails received late in the day or on weekends may not receive a response until the next working day.

***Please Note! If you have not heard back within 48 hours, please call and let us know. ***

If you are e-mailing to schedule an appointment, please note that it is best to call, as we tend to schedule appointments faster than we can respond to emailed inquiries.

For after hours emergencies, please call West Central Ohio Veterinary Emergency Services at 419-221-0269.

Order Supplies Easily and Securely Online

My VetStore is your online source for your pet’s medications, supplements, shampoo and skin care, dental supplies, toys, food and much, much more.